With the increasing demand of Paternity DNA testing for legal and peace of mind cases in Kalaburagi, DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. has started providing best Paternity DNA test in Kalaburagi, Karnataka. We already have a sample collection center in Kalaburagi.
Paternity DNA test examines specific loci (regions) on the chromosome. Comparing the DNA sequence of a child to that of an alleged father can show if the child is biological related to man or not. When possible, we also include the mother in the testing, since she can provide additional genetic information and simplify the testing process. But paternity can still be checked without the mother’s DNA.
Besides paternity testing, there are a wide variety of DNA tests including a maternity DNA test, sibling-ship DNA test, ancestry test and many more.
DFL offer fully accredited paternity testing for various purposes, including peace of mind, legal and immigration. Our DNA tests are 99.9999% conclusive for exclusion.
If you want paternity or maternity DNA test results in the same day or next day, DFL is the only company to provide such facility in India. You have to visit our New Delhi laboratory for delivering your DNA samples, and there will be additional charges for an express testing facility.
We are the first private Lab in India to deliver results on the same day and the second day for DNA paternity and maternity testing. By an additional charge you can avail these express test options. You must also provide your DNA samples directly to our laboratory located in New Delhi. If you cannot go to our Delhi lab, you can visit one of your nearest DFL sample collection centers and provide your DNA samples, for this condition, same day and next day facilities turnaround time will be applicable after receiving your DNA samples at our Delhi lab for processing.
If you have any specific queries about Paternity DNA Test in Kalaburagi, Karnataka, please fill the given below form or call us at +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp: +91 9266615552.
Paternity DNA test in Kalaburagi, Karnataka
Maternity DNA test in Kalaburagi, Karnataka
Relationship DNA test in Kalaburagi, Karnataka
Immigration DNA test in Kalaburagi, Karnataka
Kalaburagi Karnataka 585101
Email: info@dnaforensicslab.com