Paternity DNA Test in Mainpuri, UP can be done now at a click. DNA Forensics Laboratory Private Limited (DFL) is one of the most trusted and reliable DNA testing lab across India and is fast growing in the field of DNA relationship and genetic testing.
We offer a broad range of peace of mind DNA tests, informational DNA testing and legal/court admissible DNA testing at the right price to everyone. We have worldwide partners in namely, US, UK, Canada, Portugal, Liberia, Ireland and many other countries.
Paternity DNA test help in resolving many cases like: In inheritance cases, situations arise where unknown, or known but disputed, children lay claim to an inheritance. Whilst many of these may prove to be false, it is still wise to have a DNA paternity test carried out to clear up any doubts and be fair to all concerned.
Sibling cases come with their own challenges when it comes to testing. A paternity test on each sibling will determine if they share a common father, however, they would still require a paternity report to find out who that father is. In cases of twins, one cannot assume that they share the same father, since 1 in 12 twins worldwide have different fathers.
For paternity and maternity cases, we provide express DNA test results in two configurations, namely the same day and the next day with additional fees. For this service, you must visit our laboratory located in New Delhi or visit one of our collection centers for the supply of your DNA samples. The same day and the next day condition will apply when we receive your DNA samples at our Delhi laboratory, Transit timings won’t be accounted for.
For any queries and to make an appointment for Paternity DNA Test in Mainpuri, UP, please fill the form below. You can also give us a call at: +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp us at: +91 9266615552 and our executive will get in touch with you.
Paternity DNA Test in Mainpuri, UP
Maternity DNA Test in Mainpuri, UP
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MAINPURI Uttar Pradesh 205001