DNA Forensics Laboratory Private Limited has started providing best Paternity DNA Test in Thiruvalla, Kerala. Our testing lab is NABL certified. We also have a facility for collection of samples from home. DNA tests are accurate and give answers to some questions that remain a mystery otherwise.
A fatherless DNA paternity test requires the participation of one or more of its immediate biological parents: the parents, siblings and other children of the father are all acceptable candidates for the test. In this type of family reconstruction test, we always recommend including the child’s biological mother as her DNA can significantly improve the results.
We have team of dedicated and expert staff to cater the needs of the growing demand for Paternity DNA test. Beside Paternity DNA test many other kinds of DNA tests are undertaken here including maternity testing, sibling testing, Kinship testing, dead body identifications, Immigration DNA testing, DNA profiling and many more.
If you want paternity or maternity DNA test results in the same day or next day, DFL is the only company to provide such facility in India. You have to visit our New Delhi lab for providing your DNA samples, and there will be additional charges for an express testing facility. If you are unable to visit our Delhi lab, visit your nearest DFL collection center for providing your DNA samples and in this situation, transit timing won’t be accounted for and the timings of the results shall start since we receive your DNA samples at our Delhi lab.
Now the patients don’t have to wait for longer duration for results and can be sure about their privacy. To know more about Paternity DNA Test in Thiruvalla, Kerala, please fill the below form or you can also call us at: +91 8010177771, WhatsApp: +91 9266615552 if you have any queries.
Paternity DNA test in Thiruvalla
Maternity DNA test in Thiruvalla
Relationship DNA test in Thiruvalla
Immigration DNA test in Thiruvalla
Thiruvalla Kerala 689101
Email: info@dnaforensicslab.com