Paternity DNA testing proved to be the most accurate method for resolving relationship conflicts and can prove if two or more individuals are biologically bound or not. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. has a promise of excellence and quick results and this time we are stepping towards Una to provide best Paternity DNA Test in Una, Himachal Pradesh.
Paternity DNA test helps in establishing a relationship bond between the alleged father and the child. In order for a DNA paternity test to have legal status, there must be no doubts regarding the source of the sample tested. An authorized representative carries out the test under the instruction of honorable judge by maintaining chain-of-custody.
The sample will then be couriered to the lab where the test will be carried out. That way the subject is property identified, and the sample in custody until tested.
We are the first private Lab in India to deliver results on the same day and the second day for DNA paternity and maternity testing. By an additional charge you can avail these express test options. You must also provide your DNA samples directly to our laboratory located in New Delhi. If you cannot go to our Delhi lab, you can visit one of your nearest DFL sample collection centers and provide your DNA samples, for this condition, same day and next day facilities turnaround time will be applicable after receiving your DNA samples at our Delhi lab for processing.
For peace of mind you can order home paternity test kit. You can avail free counseling and find out the type of paternity DNA test that suits your needs. For more enquiry related to Paternity DNA Test in Una, Himachal Pradesh, please fill the below form or call us at: +91 8010177771, WhatsApp: +91 9266615552 and our customers representatives will take care of your every problem related to paternity DNA testing.
Paternity DNA test in Una, Himachal Pradesh
Maternity DNA test in Una, Himachal Pradesh
Relationship DNA test in Una, Himachal Pradesh
Immigration DNA test in Una, Himachal Pradesh
Una Himanchal Pradesh 174315